Sunday, 19 June 2011

Fused Forces - Bunfire/Power Plant - Out on Digital

We have had a huge amount of success with our first 12" release with these two tracks and we have now made these two tracks available to purchase digitally.

Support our music and help us continue to grow. Everytime you purchase music digitally or on vinyl from any label is helps the label to continue to grow and finance more music to be released. Help the deep Dubstep scene grow!

Purchase here:

iTunes // Amazon // Juno // Tune Tribe // Play 

Monday, 11 April 2011

Piracy Of Digital Music And A Possible Solution

Our 10th digital release is approaching in about two weeks by Fused Forces and reflecting over what we have had out so far, from minimal and plain odd to deep, and chilled going all the way over to eyes down and broody, we have had a lot of material out in only five months of being a label.

With running a label comes the obvious problems of piracy and copyright infringement and I have decided to explain our recent action with a general point of view of the underground music industry with direct respect to the Dubstep scene.

Most of you will have or most of you know about ripping full tracks off YouTube or even downloading Torrents. These two factors are the two main downfalls that would affect the sales of music with the effects of it being positively exponential. All it takes is one person to upload the full track to YouTube for people to start ripping the music directly from the page and it then only takes one other person to put into a Dubstep pack or whatever respective pack and then the ball starts rolling. The larger amount of people that download the pack results in a larger amount of people that could even use P2P networking or even use standard file sharing hosts to spread the music.

There is a level at which you can prevent the exposure and free download of your own music and sometimes it can only take a polite email for the person responsible in uploading your music or the person who owns the file sharing site to take down the link.

Most of the time, the rate at which it is being illegally downloaded and uploaded, it is near enough impossible to prevent people from getting it removed and to be quite honest, if someone wants the track bad enough, there is always a way of getting it.

Recently we made a deal with a channel on YouTube called "DubstepTunez" that would be our exclusive host for all of our releases. We have our own channel but barely use it and we feel that Youtube is an incredible marketing tool and by using a host this would result in the channel already having roughly 40,000 subscribers and a huge database to send promo out to. This also means our music can reach 40,000 people that may have not heard of the label or heard of the artists that we have signed. The obvious downside is that people can now readily rip the music illegally as the channel only hosts full tracks.

Within a day Bosporus received over 7,000 plays and 3 other channels were already hosting Bosporus & Gloss The Doors. I personally emailed all of the other channels and said that they could keep their videos up under two conditions. The first one is that they prove they purchased the music legally and the second condition is that they merely mention in the description that it can be purchased from iTunes and any other various stores. All three channels replied back saying that they would remove the video immediately.

There were two solutions that we came up with. The first one is to give the music away for free and to earn money through licensing and physical releases of the music such as putting the music onto compilation CD's and retailing them, but all digital downloads would be completely free for consumers.

The main problem is that if the consumer doesn't part with any form of money in exchange for the music they will feel no need what so ever to listen to it properly and remember the label. It is similar to the people that stand in the streets and hand out free newspapers. Most of the time you might hold onto it and it'll end up in the bin, but what if it cost 20p? It might only be 20p, but you have had to go to a store or some guy in the street has offered you the newspaper for this price, you'll put it in your bag, suitcase or under the arm and take it home with you if you don't have the time to read it there and then. Because you have parted with a minute amount of money, there is an underlying need to keep the physical item.This same analogy shows how giving away music for free devalues the songs and the artist.

The second option would be to make the value of the music so low that it almost rallies downloading it for free. Personally, I would never spend £6.99 for an album on iTunes, I'd rather walk into HMV and get the CD, as then I have a physical object in exchange for my hard earned money. If the same album were on iTunes for say £2/£3 I would contemplate buying through iTunes rather than getting the CD. 
I think you get what I mean.

We did a small trial through March where we put 7 releases together which consisted of music from Box Mouse, Kochari, Blind Prophet, Twitch, Seizure, Gnome & A-list. The pack contained 16 tracks and it retailed at £3.99, this means each song is roughly 25 pence.

The sales for this pack of music were more than the entire revenue produced from iTunes, Juno, Amazon, Play & more. The small trial proved to be successful which has resulted in us creating a Bandcamp where all of our releases are at 40p. Paypal takes about half of that, but never the less, we hope these prices are competitive and will make people think twice when looking to illegally download our music.

All releases will go up on Bandcamp approximately 2 months after the actual release date, so everyone that has bought from a premium or normal digital store such as iTunes will have it exclusively for this period of time.

All in all, we have a lot to learn and there are many more things we can all do to support the underground Dubstep music scene.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Introspectionist - Deep Future Garage vibes all over!

Introspectionist with his 2nd formal release. We support any music that is deep and has some element of bass within it. Introspectionist is known for his experimental vibes and even the use of hardware to create his music design an immense sound scape within the drums and melody.

Purchase here:

Monday, 28 March 2011

Fused Forces - Bunfire/Power Plant 12" - Limited 285 Press - OUT NOW!

At last we have ventured into the vinyl world and we have a solid 12" from two boys coming from East London called Fused Forces. The solid bass weight in Bunfire with the electronic sounds from Power Plant allow both of these tracks to be essential eyes down dance floor business.

Now hitting over 11,000 plays on Soundcloud and getting support by Forensics, Bunzero, Seizure & Fused Forces in mixes, this release is looking to sell out relatively fast.

There have only been 285 pressed and we do not intend to repress this. We have already noticed people selling this 12" for over £12 but you can ignore them for now as we are still in stock!
If you buy direct we will also give you a FREE Evolution Compilation CD which has 18 tracks by some big names! So along with supporting the label directly we are also giving you some deepness for free!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you to the 175 that have already purchased this release!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Macabre Unit take a different approach.. FENTPLATED008

Macabre Unit come through with a deep pair of tracks. These two are not what Demon usually cooks up in the lab and something that will tear up any start to a set to get people moving.
It has a slight future garage vibe and we support any artists deeper side.

Purchase this release here:

Friday, 11 March 2011

A-List - FENTPLATED007 - Out now!

7th release from A-List, we are the first label to back this duo and we genuinely feel that these two will go far, Illicit trade have already expressed interest and have signed up a couple of bits.

This is their first release ever and we think it's a complete stonker.

Smooth rolling beat with solid sub bass. Go a bit lower and listen to the samples and if you're feeling it then cop it from the stores listed below.

 iTunes // Play // Amazon // Juno // Tune Tribe //  Discogs // Tesco // Meteli //  Mixmag // Beats Digital // eMusic // 

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Evolution Compilation Update - £2.99 on CD

We will continue to celebrate the raw talent within this compilation and spread their music all across the world. Downloads hit 2000 and that doesn't take into account the amount of re-ups and cheeky Torrent packs that it has been going in.

Thank you to everyone that donated, you should have all received your copies. We put the money together along with a huge investment from ourselves to get these made onto CD.

The CD is very basic, the artwork is printed onto the CD and the CD is popped into a clear plastic sleeve with a track listing label stuck on the back. 

This CD is entirely non-profit. The price covers the cost of the manufacture  of the CD along with the shipping costs and packaging. This will also allow to give away 200 to Red Eye Records in a few months where they have kindly agreed to give them away for free with every order placed.

So would you like a copy?
Buy direct from Fent Plates: Evolution Compilation CD *DIRECT*

Thank you for all the support so far and we will be pushing this compilation for many more months to come!

Gnome - FENTPLATED006 - The next Burial?

Fresh release from Gnome. Huge huge release. Take a listen and be the judge!

Purchase here:

Monday, 17 January 2011

Nominated in the Dubstep Awards

Hugely taken aback as we've only been a label for 2 months with our first release on October 4th 2010.

Thank you to everyone who voted for us and the people who finalised it and put us in the final ten. We're aware we're up against some big dogs and Night Slugs definitely deserve the win! 

If you want to vote, then vote by clicking the little picture below or click here!

Thank you for all the support and what not.

If you have read this far then let us tell you that our first vinyl release will be out in five weeks, our Gnome release is out this time next week and the "I support deep Dubstep & my name is" stickers will be out in 3 weeks.

Thanks for all the support again and thank you for voting for us.